Dubai Furniture Fair 2024

MO BOX首次亮相迪拜家具展,其多样的功能性,简约的设计外观,高雅的配色获得众多观众的驻足体验。

The 53rd CIFF


新系列产品Q Room亦如约而至,其独特的外观设计更成为观众为之驻足的亮点。

UVO Group2023年春季交流会


在这生机勃勃的春天,迎来了UVO Group主题为“向内而生  向远而行”的春季交流会。




5年以来,香港市场从零开始,曾为多加全球知名品牌提供空间解决方案,Panasonic、CHANEL、Budweiser、Jacobs、TOKIO MARINE、DUFRY......






The 8th ’Design Shanghai’ (Shanghai)

The 8th ’Design Shanghai’ has come to a successful conclusion, where UVO will compete with more than 400 domestic and international high-end design brands and independent designers from more than 30 countries.During the exhibition, UVO applied L-100 single glass side partition, L100 double glass partition, L100 single glass center partition and curved arc R700 L100 single glass partition for booth construction. At the same time, we combined with the application of Q-Room, Phone, Solo and Talk which are our star products, which brings the brand concept of Create  Efficient Space to the extreme creation.

The 31st China Glass Expo(Shanghai)


UVO has a high exposure recently,The MO-BOX products were also found in the just concluded 31st China Glass Expo .This joint exhibition with gauzy, the world's top supplier of Applied Materials showing the custom-made PHONE with swtichable glass . It has become an unique scenery in Shanghai New International Expo Center.

The 47th CIFF (Guang zhou)


The 47th China International Furniture Fair (Guangzhou) was rounded off successfully on March 31 , 2021. Once again , UVO joined with Asis to break the traditional form with cutting-edge works of fashionable sitting furniture, Fantastic lighting, Originally-Created Room-In-Room, all remixed into a brand new spatial trend of workspace.

Space of Beauty Explore OPPO HQ Human Oriented Design Art


Why MO BOX can enter OPPO HQ?

Human and Space

As a leading brand of technology, the requirements of OPPO’s design concept, which is HUMAN ORIENTED, EXPERIENCE FIRST, represent the relationship between people and space in same environment. Space planning should be based on user’s needs and experience. HQ needs an independent soundproof area each floor for calling purpose.


Highly matched with its design theory

Human oriented and Cutting Edge

We also believe that technology is not “cold”, product either. We focus on interaction between product and people. User’s experience always goes first. As an office furniture, MO BOX makes not only space division, but also a space with privacy and comfort.


Simple and Surprised

Design of MO BOX tells that it is simple and light to integrate into the whole workspace. The expression of product design stands for concise.


Classic and Innovated

MO BOX is the Baby of partition and pod. We do hope to create an exciting art in workspace to bring surprise to OPPO HQ staff. The whole BOX is “technology white”. Follow basic color needs of OPPO.


Natural and Environmental Protection

The fine workmanship allows MO BOX to be demountable. Re use is also the concern of product design.


We are so glad that MO BOX is closed to OPPO’s design concept. Each floor of OPPO Shenzhen HQ has its own calling center. Independent area to satisfy staff’s quiet calling needs now. Welcome to give us more comments or advices on MO BOX.

For more information, please call us 0086 4006969681.


Designing/Awakening.(Design China Beijing)


From Made In China to Created In China.
We’ve learned enough from others in the past. Hopefully one day it will change by design influences. A new concern from today’s Design China Beijing Forum. Share with you.


MO BOX is defined not only as a product that create a space with privacy and silence, but also becoming a combination of whole design of space. It meets functional requirement and innovation design needs.




45th China International Furniture Fair (Guangzhou)



10 years ago we have nothing but doing project only. Then we decided to have our own brand. After years of hard time we finally make the dream come true. 


We have our own brand UVO in 2016. Then we start to promote our brand. It is not an easy job. In 2018 we attended CIFF, it was great that people are interested in our product. 


However, we shared booth with one company, we don’t have any promotion on our own brand UVO. 3 years passed and in this difficult 2020 we attend CIFF and we have our own booth. 


Spending almost half year preparation, we care all the detail in order to give our customer attractive and professional first impression. Glad that our products MO BOX are highly appreciated. 

We gain the support from some customers and let them know UVO. This is the fourth year of UVO. We need to keep improving. We are still a young team, but we are also a reliable team. See you next CIFF.

How to manage your workplace – during COVID-19 ?


Facing the COVID-19 epidemic business owners from large and small companies are making daily decisions to ensure employee safety .


These decisions include updating HVAC systems, investing in new technology that allows for seamless remote work, adhering to new social distancing guidelines, and converting to a contact-free office where possible while keeping surfaces as clean as possible.


Every once in a while there is a product which comes with a disruptive way of challenging conventional solutions. This again is one such system.With the pandemic changing the way people work and the design of workspaces, this product comes in as a complete solution adapting to every requirements of the challenging new normal. 


The basics work on the principle of modularity hence making mass production easier and cost effective. The permutations and combinations are limited only on one’s imagination of the utilization of space. As the frame sizes are built on the principles of modularity, spaces can be transformed to

· Phone booths

· Solo and Co-work spaces

· Snooze pods and relaxing areas

· Meeting rooms - formal and informal

· and Multi functional Cabins 


This is an evolution in the workspace design. That can change the way the current offices function. With every institution trying to optimize the cost of operations. This solution would prove to be functional while fitting the purse.

2020 Cross Year Party


As the year 2020 approaches and the New Year's Bell kicks off, UVO is hosting a 2020 New Year celebration at the newly inaugurated U-party pavilion. Work to fun , fun to work , Getting together to build a beautiful home and to prepare  a wonderful meal. Only happiness and delicious food are worth sharing most in this world.


Staff Award Ceremony. The award for ‘Most Outstanding Senior Employee’ went to Coco Liu, the Shanghai office that in 2019 helped UVO carve out a new territory in eastern China market . The ‘Best New Em
ployee‘ award was won by three young talents born after 1995.


The clock strikes 12, the UVO family welcomes the arrival of 2020, and we celebrate the New Year in a special way -- by grabbing balloons and sending our best wishes! Inside each balloon was a mysterious surprise for everyone.


All the family members take a group photo to record the unforgettable moment.UVO Wish all of you a happy new year, business prosperity, healthy!






The O-series products are eco-products that rely on the valuable experience of the UVO team for space project planning and implementation over the years.


Any size.gif

Any Possibility

Available in a variety of sizes for customers to choose from, depending on the size of the space; create more possibilities, UVO also has a piano room, live room and other targeted houses.

Flexible, Adapt to space


Series operable wall is a double-glazed movable wall system, which takes into account the aesthetic standards of perspective and excellent sound insulation.The transparent glass allows the light outside to penetrate and extend into the interior, while the double glazed structure ensures good acoustics. The internal frame is made of Galvanized Steel Mechanical Welding, which makes the isolation structure more stable and durable.


There are many options for the two-piece panel with operable wall. In addition to the common glass, it can also be made of surface materials such as MFC, soft bag and painted glass.




Family of L-Series


L-Series is the best choice for modern bright, transparent, open and intelligent office space.Loris Moretti, the Italian product designer for UVO, has designed the light series with unlimited simplification of the lines separating the frames, breaking traditional vertical or horizontal visual bounds.

Less is More

Since there are no additional vertical visual connectors between the glass modules, the panoramic series shows you a simple, finished, wonderful partition system that maximizes the use of natural light in a fully transparent manner.


New Ideas

The L-Series series is suitable for space constraints on indoor lines; custom glass materials, colors, textures and technically strong electro-fog glass can be selected according to customer requirements.



Breathing Wall

We can provide users with a variety of wall panels to match the overall space color planning.  At the same time, according to the different requirements of the user for space lighting and space storage, the invention can provide the scheme selection of the full height and half height.


The 29th China International Furniture Expo

UVO x 第二十九届中国国际家具展,入驻「室内」建筑师&品牌原创联展——“Return特展”,以一种独特的方式呈现!

Click for more details

UVO News is a platform for readers to learn about the latest developments and information in the spactial product industry. Welcome to click and browse.

2021/03/31 The 47th CIFF (Guangzhou)

2021/01/27 Space of Beauty Explore OPPO HQ

2020/09/30 Designing/Awakening-Design China Beijing 

2020/07/28 45th China International Furniture Fair 

2020/03/05 How to manage your workplace-During COVID-19

2020/01/01 2020 Cross Year Party  

2019/09/17 UVO MO BOX

2019/05/10 Flexible,Adapt to Space

2018/06/06 Family of L-Series

Create 1.0

UVO Create 是一个兼具产品研发与空间思考结果的虚拟概念案例,意为挖掘空间的更多可能性,在这个虚拟概念项目对UVO未来的产品方向起到指导作用。

Create 1.0







UVO Create正是为此而生,思考空间与人的关系,如何让空间活着,成为人们的助力。

Create 1.0







  • C
  • o
  • r
Create 1.0




  • Create 1.0


    Create 1.0

    Product V 在此满足灵活的会议空间需求,15人大型的会议室或培训室对此阶段企业来说并非日常所需,仅在少数大型项目与部分外界接洽场合需要使用,大型会议室占用空间的区域较多,因此其必须的存在与企业本身有限的办公空间产生不可调和性。

    Create 1.0

    Product O在此满足员工的私密需求。空间中庭为员工的休息区域与内部小型会议区域,O系列起到一定的视线分割作用,视觉上达到阻隔让空间感区域放大。作为一个成长型企业,在保持紧密团结的团队氛围的同时,允许多样化和扩张是至关重要的。三个中小型会议间能满足在此人员数量上的日常会议需求,二人对谈间为其提供一个相对安静的私密对话场所,冥想间、电话间的设立为员工提供更多的个人空间,满足员工最大的私密性需求

Product UVO三个产品系列是构成一个完美灵动空间的所有要素,在空间构建上缺一不可,未来,UVO将会为不断完善产品系列做出更多的努力。

Create 1.0是一次最初的思考,也是UVO对目前发展方向的一次审视。



